Google Finally Releases +Pages for Companies and Websties

googlePlusWell it took a while but it looks like Google has finally added a feature that was needed on Google+ since the day it launched. No we are not talking about Google Doc integration or anything like that. No, we are talking about letting websites setup a page under the Google+ banner. The announcement happened early today as a limited number of sites were allowed to create a page. Some of the illustrious first adopters were companies like Angry Birds, Pepsi, The Dallas Cowboys, ant the Muppets. It is a pretty smart move on their part just to kick this off, but what is more they are actually providing you with the direct tools to add the +Button and links for people to go to your Google+ page directly from the website. This is a little easier than some of the developer tools that we have used for Facebook (our Facebook connect is still not working right).

We have launched our own +DecryptedTech page and will be posting articles there as well as continuing to use Facebook (and of course the DecryptedTech Forums).  Now we have to wonder when Google will allow access to the pages from a mobile device. This is something that Facebook still does not do (using the mobile app). If they can get this up and running they might convert more than a few hardcore Facebook fan sites to convert.

Check out our new +DecryptedTech
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