Google Glass available for developers

Google has, as expected, began a new phase of commercialization of their smart glasses. They decided to send an email to specific number of developers during this week in which the company invites them to buy their very own copy of Glass (with the corresponding security code), in order to begin with the development and adaptation of their applications.

In addition to a wider availability of the gadget, the first version of the developer kit called GDK (Glass Developer Kit) has become publicly available as well as the corresponding Mirror API. It is not yet known how many programmers are involved in this program, and will Glass and its software ecosystem somewhere in near future, except for the selected companies become available to the general public.

Of course there still remains the question with the security issues with this kind of gadgets, so it will be interesting to see how will things develop. By the way eBay is pretty much swarmed with the Invitation codes so if you want to take your chances feel free to check that, but it is not certain will bought invitation be valid or do you really need to be a developer.

Anyone interested? Tell us in our Forum

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