Google Glass available for everyone for just $1500

A month after a one-day promotional sales campaign, Google has finally released the Glass for the retail sale. On the promotional day they sold large quantities of this gadget, stocks of white versions were completely sold out, and consequently in the company were satisfied with the action.

Driven with the results, Google increased the stock of this product and let them go in retail sale throughout the United States. Retail price is, as expected, 1500 U.S. dollars - although sources say that parts of the Glass cost only about $80. This is still the Explorer version of smart glasses with software that has not yet come out of beta. Because of this, experts urge prospective buyers to be cautious.

It is expected, however, that the final version of the Google Glass should bring improved hardware and software, and at far less cost. Does it pay to be an early appropriator of these technologies, even for as much as $ 1500 more, as always, the market reactions will tell us.

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