Google Glass for $299?


The commercial version of Google Glass glasses should be significantly cheaper than the current development release. Glasses were to a narrow circle of developers available at a price of $1500, but The China Post believes that version for a wider range of customers will be $299 which is much more affordable.

According to the analysis, among the expensive parts of Google Glass is definitely the screen, which should be delivered to Google from the Taiwanese company HiMax Display. Google in late July announced the purchase of 6.3 percent of HiMax display, the screen manufacturer for screens for HUDs and handheld projectors, while the price for Glass screen should be between 30 and 35 dollars apiece. The screen is one of the single most expensive components of Google Glass, while the rest of the expected $299 go to a number of sensors, a processor, an integrated 5-megapixel camera and 12 GB of flash memory.

Analysis of house IHS shows that delivery of "smart glasses" this year should increase by 150 percent to about 124,000 units, while by 2016 manufacturers are supposed to deliver around 10 million units. The commercial version of Google Glass at the market could occur at the end of this year.

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