Google Glass wont have face recognition


Google on their official blog released some details about the Google Glass glasses and privacy protection. Many have rightly begun to wonder how will the mass distribution of Glass, when glasses are commercially available, affect the privacy of people in everyday life.

Built-in camera is one of the basic functions of Google Glass and forms the basis for most of the applications for this device (Glassware by Google's words), but constantly recording and analyzing the environment is not the idea what other people will like. A similar question has already been raised by the U.S. Congress, but from Google claim that Glass will not have support for face recognition, at least not before there are better mechanisms to protect privacy available.

Accordingly, Google, atleast for now, does not intend to grant Glassware applications with implemented facial recognition technology that might be developed by another developer. The company points out that they have learned a lot about the different ways of applying the Glass within the active Explorer program already, and some experiences and desires of users should be implemented in the updates in the coming weeks and months.

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