Google is the most valuable global brand in 2014

According to the latest rankings of 100 most valuable global brands compiled by market research firm Millward Brown, Google is the most valuable brand in the world. Google has come to the first spot instead of Apple, which was the first in the rankings for three years, but now fell to second place because the Apple's value on an annual basis fell by 20 % and now amounts to $148 billion.

On the other hand, the value of Google has increased by 40 % since last year and the company is now worth $159 billion. The third position belongs to the IBM, while in forth place comes Microsoft (jump from last year's seventh position), and the fifth is the only non-technological company among the five leading, well-known fast food chain McDonald's. The biggest surprise in the rankings is a Chinese web portal Tencent, which is on the 14th position.

Among the other companies worth mentioning, Amazon is on the 10th position (increased values of 41 %, which now amounts to $64 billion), Facebook is the 21st, Oracle on 45th and Twitter at 71st position (value of 14 $ billion). slightly behind Yahoo's , which is on the 69th position. The entire scale can be viewed via the following link.

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