Google shuts down Google Reader


Users of Google Reader, which is an online RSS (Really Simple Syndication) news reader, received the message that the service will stop working on first of July this year. This is part of Google's announced spring cleaning, even though people did not expect that the Reader will be the victim of it.

The main advantage of online RSS news readers like Reader's is precisely about him being an online service, so users can access it from anywhere where there is access to the Internet on any computing platform. Not only that, some also offer apps for iOS and Android. So, everything is in one place, in the cloud, and the service can be accessed via the Web and through specialized applications.

The reason for closing is that Reader has never gained a great popularity in particular, instead it was falling over time, although too many it was very valuable tool. Google Reader allows users to take their subscriptions, news that are marked with a star, and other information that was available in their database, so that some of it could be used in other services or programs.

What remains are some independent software solutions for personal computers. If you want you can join the saving petition on twitter with the hashtag #savegooglereader, in the hope that Google will change their mind if they see that people are still interested in the Reader. It has already launched several petitions like this one.


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