Graphics CTO Eric Demers leaves AMD

AMD_logoAMD has lost another high-level employee today. This time in the form of Eric Demers CTO of the AMD graphics division; although I have never met Eric I have heard of him from others and it seems there are mixed feelings about the impact this will have on AMD. Some are saying that there will be no immediate impact. This is probably true as AMD’s GPU business is mapped out until at least the end of 2012.

The question now is; what happens next year? AMD has lost quite a few executives and employees since Rory Reed made the announcement that we called back in November and is pushing AMD to have the SoC as one of their primary focuses.  Reed decided not to compete with Intel head-to-head on the desktop level any longer, but now will have more than one rival to deal with. Intel is hard at work on Haswell and nVidia already has success with Tegra.

The good news for AMD is that Eric is not going to either Intel or nVidia. However that still leaves a lot open and one place that someone like Eric could end up is at Apple or at Apple’s PoweVR. So far these rumors do not appear to hold any substance.  That still leaves quite a few companies open that could have an impact on AMD’s business model.

Time will tell where Eric ends up and also how Rory’s great SoC plan will work out. We wish Eric the best of luck in whatever he chooses to do.

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