GTA V Online will support up to 32 players conflicts


It seems that the multiplayer component of the Grand Theft Auto 5 will support up to 32 players. At first, it was confirmed that the GTA Online will support conflicts of up to a maximum of 16 players. In addition to the alleged increase in the number of supported players arrive the news about gameplay modes that will GTA Online contain.

In addition to free-roam mode, we can expect a free-for-all and team-based deathmatch modes, support for multiplayer racing mode and Cops n Crooks, who, as the names says, opens the possibility to play the roles of police and criminals.

GTA Online should be released on 1st of October, and according to still unconfirmed rumors, during the same month, we can expect the official announcement of PlayStation 4 and PC editions of Grand Theft Auto 5. But for now Rockstar has not confirmed anything, so nothing is certain yet, but we can always hope for it.

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