Half Life: Episode 3 on the way?


Valve's  designer John Guthrie has confirmed that the Half Life: Episode 3 is in the early phase of making, and it's release is planned for 2014, according to Portal NSS. The game will appear in versions for PC, Xbox 360 and PS3, as well as for next-generation consoles (PS4 and Xbox One).

In addition to disclosing the information Guthrie said that the first trailer should be shown at E3 on 10th of July, 2014, and that the story will pick up where it left off, with the famous characters in the lead roles (Gordon Freeman?). Particularly interesting is also that Valve stated that they have no plans for multiplayer, nor co-op mode, because the game will be exclusively singleplayer oriented.

If the NSS really received information from an authentic source, that would mean that Valve follows the principle which has been announced for the new Wolfenstein, which means that they will go all-in on a single player games. I'm not sure why are game manufacturers increasingly deciding to leave out the multiplayer option from a games where it could be very interesting and popular, but there is a possibility that they  want to sell  the multiplayer as separate game, so they can earn double figures.

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