HTC not giving up on Windows Phone


Last week, there have been information that HTC is leaving Windows Phone, and apparently with the aim to engage with the development of devices for Android market. Rumors were denied on twitter by the company's PR saying they were absolutely committed to their line of Windows Phone products.

Also, in parallel with the publication of denials, there have been some rumors going around about the upcoming HTC's Windows Phone device. The word is that the smartphone will be shipped with the GDR3 upgrade, thanks to which it will have Super LCD3 screen with a 1080p resolution on a diagonal of 4.7 inches. The device will be equipped with 2 GB of RAM and a 32 GB flash memory.

However, HTC's share on the Microsoft platform since Nokia's entry into the market is in a constant decline. According to data from AdDuplexa for August, Nokia holds 87% of the market, HTC just under 10%, while Samsung and Huawei are left with crumbs having only 2% and 1% of the market.

[Ed - We wonder if HTC is trying to get a helping hand from Microsoft and that is why they are sticking with Windows Phone... After all it is working for Nokia.]


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