HTC One postponed once again

One black silver

HTC's presentation of this year’s flagship model One, in many ways the most impressive smartphone that currently exists, many considered brilliantly timed. It took place a few weeks before the release of Samsung Galaxy S4, with which HTC got a unique opportunity to own a superb device placed on the market long before its fiercest competitor, and win a bunch of users in their own camp.

HTC's presentation of this year’s flagship model One, in many ways the most impressive smartphone that currently exists, many considered brilliantly timed. It took place a few weeks before the release of Samsung Galaxy S4, with which HTC got a unique opportunity to own a superb device placed on the market long before its fiercest competitor, and win a bunch of users in One was set to see the light of day in mid-March, but then it turned out that the HTC due to week recent business fell on the priority list at components producers, and they could not produce nearly enough parts for camera that will be in One.

Fresh news related to One are saying it be once again postponed. Customers who were among the first to preorder the silver model (in countries where it is possible) will get it on April 3rd. Those who preordered Black model will have to wait until the 10th of April. All customers that preordered One from 26th March onwards will receive it at the end of April. When the device will become available to the masses is currently not known to anyone. To make matters worse, HTC does not specify how many devices will they manage to deliver on the above dates.

 The biggest problem with the story is not that users will have to wait a little longer, but the fact that HTC's is letting their chance for comeback among mobile elite to slip away.
 their own camp.

[Ed - we have to wonder if this delay is related to the rumored launch of an HTC/Facebook phone. We know that Facebook will be showing off a device that will have a heavily modified version of Android on April 4th. It is also rumored that this new OS will be shown off using HTC hardware.  HTC might not want to overshadow that event with the launch of their signature One device.]

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