HTC reserving September 19 for their mysterious event


Since practically every single smartphone powerhouse has announced their big events, HTC just had to join the masses. They have decided to keep everything veiled by mystery, but some rumors are that it could include Windows Phone 8. The event will take place in New York City starting at 11:30 AM EST. The announcement states “Join HTC to see  what's next”, and if rumors of a WP8 device are true they could fall in the shadow of Nokia’s new Lumia devices that will be presented tomorrow, also in New York. There are three HTC devices that are expected to be revealed, from entry-level to new flagship range.

One of the special features will probably be Beats Audio for all their WP8 devices. This is nothing new, HTC partnered with Beats in the past and also on their latest One series. The names for the devices will be: Accord, Rio, and Zenith. Accord and Rio will be coming in October while Zenith will be coming sometime in the last quarter. If you take a close look at the invitation from HTC the blue circles look similar to the Android unlock button. This could mean they are bringing some Android goodies to the event as well as launching new WP8 products. Nevertheless it looks like this will be a big breakthrough for WP8, since the will have a lot of new smartphones from big companies representing them (Personally I'm not very fond of WP8).
HTC invite
It is less likely that we will see new Android phone since they already released One and EVO series this year, but as Google unveiled Android Jelly Bean after these phones were released HTC could still have something up their sleeve. Last month HTC lost $40 million in the OnLive sale/trade and with rumors running around that they will be manufacturing a Facebook phone; this event could be a sign of HTC's comeback. Of course, this is only if everything goes right for them. HTC hopes that Microsoft will bail them out as they are expecting further revenue drops in current quarter. We will see how things will go for HTC after these series of rumors going on around them.

[Ed – Many Microsoft partners are going to launch products over the next few weeks as the run up to the official launch of Window 8/RT continues. They are also looking to get the new phones out before Apple launches the new iPhone to potentially grab consumer interest. The move is unlikely to work though as the same people that would be interested in an iPhone are probably not going to change to Windows Phone. Still there is a feeling in the market that Google’s recent talks with Apple signal that Google will be abandoning the partners that helped them gain market prominence with Android. We are hearing that many phone makers are VERY unhappy with Google’s public statement after the Samsung V Apple trial. It could mean that Windows Phone 8 will gain more attention in the near future.]

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