Human walk as an security identification


Israeli company Extreme Reality, owner of a solution called Extreme Motion, which is used to identify the movement of users in games and other applications, has announced that their technology will soon be adjusted for use in security applications.

In fact, much like a fingerprint or image of the iris, practically unique identifier for each person is the way we walk. Extreme Motion can use any 2D camera (and webcam) to record the walk of a person and "convert" it into 3D form, and later re-identify it. Unlike similar solutions using infrared sensors, guys from Extreme Reality claim that their system works in direct sunlight, as well as in low light conditions.

Dor Givon, cofounder and Head of Technology (CTO) of Extreme Reality claims that their technology is much more reliable than, for example, face recognition technology, since it is much more difficult to fake someone's gait. Givon warns that the company's idea is not to replace all the existing biometric and other authentication systems with this technology, but to work in conjunction with them, as part of a complete solution. Commercial application of Extreme Motion is expected next year in third-party solutions that will license this technology.

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