IBM buys Trusteer


IBM has acquired the Israeli company Trusteer specialized in security solutions through business whose total value is estimated at one billion dollars.

Trusteer produces a wide range of security solutions and competes with companies such as Symantec and McAfee, and their customers include seven out of the ten largest U.S. banks, and nine out of the ten largest British banks. With this acquisition IBM intends to strengthen their activities related to research and development in Israel in areas related to Internet security.

IBM and Trusteer did not provide concrete financial information related to the takeover, but according to Reuters, it is a billion dollar job. Given that the company has received only $10 million in investment so far, if this information is correct, Trusteer investors are certainly very pleased.

[Ed - Online fraud protection and security is not really a new market although the type of protection and the guarantees that are being put in place are becoming more and more sophiticated to match the techniques being used by the bad guys. We expect to see this continue throughout the rest of the year with some new and very interesting product lines and services coming. After all there is money to be made here so you can be others will come.]

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