Impressive Snowdrop engine used in The Division

Ubisoft on the official blog along with a trailer we could have seen at VGX recently announced a series of new details about the gaming engine Snowdrop on which it relies awaited The Division. In Ubisoft stated that each member of the development department Massive thanks to Snowdrop can accomplish their goals much easier, and, among others, say the that it opens the way to a very dynamic system development.

The creators of The Division reveal that Snowdrop was designed in a way that The Division will be playable in all stages of development , thus they have opened the way to faster inclusion of new additions. Finally, Snowdrop is considered and intuitive tool that is at the same time fun to use. One of the news coming from the Snowdrop and The Division includes an impressive lighting system, inspired by the techniques used in film production. What is particularly striking is the very detailed show of the destruction of the environment , so that in each explosion of glass or rupture wooden surface looks different.

Based on current presentations, The Division from the visual side looks very impressive, but is still by no means complete. Expected release date on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC is scheduled for the last months of 2014.

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