Intel's 4G chip to compete with Qualcomm's solutions

Intel has released its new chip ZMM 7160 which supports 4G LTE networking and is designed for installation in smartphones and tablets. The chip is already used in Samsung's Galaxy Tab 3 tablet devices which are sold in Europe and Asia.

This is not the first chip from Intel that supports 4G LTE connectivity, but the older generation lacked support for 3G and 2G connectivity technologies. New ZMM 7160 corrects this oversight and along with the 15 global LTE frequencies brings support for HSPA and GSM networks. There is also support for a new Volt (Voice Over LTE) technology.

With this chip Intel will join a fight against rival Qualcomm in a fast growing market of 4G LTE devices. But ZMM 7160 still has one flaw, it is a discrete chip, which means it consumes more energy than Qualcomm's integrated chips.

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