iOS 7 on 73% of Apple's devices

Apple's iOS has the best way to deliver updates. In just a month after the launch of iOS 7 the vast majority of users of Apple mobile devices are already transferred to the latest version.

According to research company Mixpanel, in exactly one month since the launch of the new iOS, the global share of the latest version on the iPhone and iPad is 73%. In addition, it only took three days for iOS 7 after the  prepresentation to come in front of the iOS 6, and the older version is still gradually leaving its share to the sucessor. At the date of 18th October iOS 6 was on 23% of devices, while devices with older versions were occupying only 3.65% share.

However, upgrading to iOS 7 for many owners of older devices has not gone smoothly. On the support forums there has been some common problem mentioned. Some of them are excessive battery consumption, slow and unstable applications, and problems with iMessage service (delay and inability to send messages).

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