iOS 8 will make use of sensors from iPhone and iWatch

As reported by the media who follow Apple, the company has plans to redefine the way we look at sports and fitness. It will supposedly make it through iOS 8 and iWatch.

According to sources, iOS 8 which arrives this year, will come with an application Healthbook through which will be recorded statistics such as the number of steps, mileage, distance, calories burned, etc. The thing that will make Apple's solution special is the ability to monitor vital signs such as the heart rate or blood pressure. Monitoring of the latter will be enabled through iWatch which will be integrated with a mobile phone.

This information is not surprising, especially since Tim Cook himself announced that they expect an explosion is segment of sensors which monitor various information about users. In addition, as sources say, Apple recently started emplying doctors and fitness experts on various projects within the company.

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