iPad Air is the most used iPad ever

A few days after being officially released for sale, the iPad Air is the best of all iPads so far; according to estimations. Specifically , the company Fiksu that deals with the promotion of iOS applications analyzed data on the use of application from their clients and came to the following results : iPad Air in the first days after the start of sales was used about 5 times more than what was the case with last year's 4th generation iPad.

While interpreting this data, caution is needed because it is the only data on the use of the device, not the actual number of units sold. This number could affect the preferences of users and various other factors, but since Apple has not come out in public with official numbers, this indicator can be used to indicate in which direction the sale could move.
If we draw parallels with the first weekend sales of iPad mini and iPad 4, and their sales results, these data suggest that the sales of the Air over the weekend were between 5 and 10 million pieces, which is certainly decent.

[Ed – Apple must be seriously worried if they have companies trying to push data around like this. We alreay know that Apple is losing ground in tablet, laptops, desktops and even phones sales so when we see studies that are talking about how great sales are you can bet its only purpose is to bring in more sales. Apple simply cannot ride the wave they had before as there are far too many options that are comparable and cost much less. It will be interesting to see how the iPad Air plays out over the next few months. Our guess is that it will do about the same as the iPad 4...]

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