iPhone 5C below expectations

Recently launched iPhone 5C is reportedly not selling well enough, at least in Apple's criteria. According to latest information provided by the Wall Street Journal, they reduced the production of smartphones shortly after the release.

According to sources, due to weaker than expected demand, Foxconn and Pegatron from Apple received the request to reduce the manufacture by 20 or 30 percent. Additionally, a manufacturer of components for the iPhone 5C informed that the requirements have been halved. Freed production capacity will focus on the production of the iPhone 5S for which there is good demand in the market (especially for gold model).

Apple iPhone 5C was supposed to provide higher earnings compared to the practice in previous years when the previous generation unit became "weaker model". This year it was supposed to be the iPhone 5, but the manufacturer has decided to offer iPhone 5C with almost identical internal components, but in the plastic case as a solution.

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