Is Kevin Turner Microsoft's next CEO

According to several unnamed sources some of them are speculating that Microsoft already knows the name of the future CEO which should replace Steve Ballmer. His name is Kevin Turner, the current COO (Chief Operating Officer) of the company. Although he was not previously published on the list of potential candidates, reportedly at Microsoft believe that Turner is an ideal temporary solution for a transitional period of several years.

But why mention the transitional period? The same sources say that after two to three years Turner will be replaced by now most likely candidate for the position of CEO, Stephen Elop. Of course they expect long-term vision and leadership of the company in the right direction through a number of years from him.

Were these rumors true or not, it is certain that the list of candidates to lead Microsoft is becoming shorter and that we will soon know who will take the reins after Ballmer officially leaves his position.

[Ed - There is much speculation over who might actually end up with the top job at Microsoft with good reason. The choice of the next CEO will give investors a good idea of the real direction that Microsoft will be going over the nex few years. Considering their position the choice could have a profound impact on the company as well. We hope they choose wisely...]

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