To solve this problem, Japanese researchers have written middleware software that establishes control over the way in which data is recorded and stored in SSDs. The software uses the functionality of the „logical block address scrambler“' which prevents writing of data to new page of the disk unless it is absolutely necessary. Instead, data is placed in a fragmented page in the block that will be erased in the next move. This will lead to less copying of data and thus higher performance of SSDs. When testing drives that have used new technology data were recorded 55% less often than with the devices that use old technology, also consuming 60 % less energy.
For devices with the new technology, there was an increase in performance of almost 300 %, the data transfer rate was 1.5 GB/s, for comparison current models record transfer rates of 500 MB/s. Since this is a purely software implementation, the use of this technology new devices will not be required, but manufacturers can take advantage of the old ones with a simple firmware upgrade.
what do you think?