Jelly Bean usage has surpassed Gingerbread


Google's latest operating system for mobile devices, Android Jelly Bean, has finally surpassed Gingerbread and has become the most common version of Android. According to data published by Google, Jelly Bean now holds approximately 37.9% of the share among all Android versions, while the share of Gingerbread is 34.1%.

Compared to the previous month, Jelly Bean has increased its share by 4.9 percentage points, while the Gingerbread lost 2.4 percentage points. However, Jelly Bean users are divided on two versions, marked 4.1 (32.3%) and 4.2 (5.6%). In the third place there is Ice Cream Sandwich, which has a share of 23.3%, a decline from the 25.6% it had held a month earlier.
Jelly Bean surpassed Gingerbread
In April, Google has changed the way theymeasure the share of each version of Android. In fact, before the devices were counted when accessing Google's servers, and now Google collects data on the basis of access to Play Store. At Google, they point out that it accurately measures the representation of those who are most involved in the Android ecosystem and Google Play.

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