Jolla Pushing Out The First SailFish Cell Phone, Are They Just Looking to Get Back In With Nokia?


If you have not heard of Jolla you are not alone and do not be too disappointed either. The company was founded by a few former Nokia employees that were not happy with the decision to tie the companies (Nokia’s) fate to Windows Phone. Instead they wanted to see if they could take the MeeGo OS and make it a reality and so they introduce SailFish. SailFish is an Android compatible OS that like many others is Linux based. The question is; is this new phone and Nokia inspired OS going to show us what could have been, or will it be just another phone in an Android Sea?

Looking at Jolla (what the handset is called) it is not an impressive phone in any sense. The specs are not going to impress anyone a dual core CPU and 16GB of storage. You can get that from even the most basic phone. Even the changeable back cover is nothing all that special, you can get new bates for almost any phone, even the iPhone if you care to do put in the work.

So what does Jolla think they have to offer the market? We took a look at their release and the only thing we can think of is a small comment that is not really defined. There is a small blurb saying that the replicable backs could also allow the user to change the interface. Apparently Jolla wants to be able to change the way users experience the phone. There will be replaceable “chips” in the under or in the cover (they were not all that clear) that can change the way the device works, this new tech is going to be called “the other half”.

So right now we have an operating system that is a virtual unknown in the market, a design that is not that great looking, mediocre specification and a feature that we know very little about. I am not sure this is what Nokia could have been or if this is business as usual. It really sounds a lot like what Nokia is doing right now. The only thing that we can see is that Jolla is trying to do just enough to get reabsorbed by Nokia and give them a reason to move back into the Android market. If this is the case it is an iffy strategy at best.

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