Help Decryptedtech choose the games used for GPU reviews

Another GPUNot too long ago while working on a GPU review I ran into an issue with a benchmark. Well per my usual policy I contacted the manufacturer and explained the situation. I was a little surprised at part of their response; "use better games". I have to say that one line stood out in my head. I do not think I even registered the rest of the e-mail. Well that got me to thinking; what games should I use? I have ones that I personally like, but they are certainly not the end-all of testing. So with that in mind I am going to ask you, my readers to help me pick the next round of games.


To do this either post below this short article or post on our Facebook page. We will choose seven games, two of each DX 9 and 10, and three DX11 games. We will also take suggestions on other benchmarks for our GPU testing.

Thanks for your help in making better.

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