Kingston Updates The WiDrive With More Storage and Support for Android

wd05Kingston enjoyed some success with their WiDrive wireless storage device when it was launched and it is easy to see why. Who would not want 32GB of storage space to carry movies, music and other information in instead of clogging up your iPhone or iPad… The problem was that it was only for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. This left many people a tad annoyed at Kingston for doing the WiDrive “Apple First”. Well Android users have another reason to be happy today. Along with a leaked version of Flipboard for Android we have news that Kingston is opening up their WiDrive to Google’s Android as well.

But adding in Android support was not the only change in the lineup. Another complaint about the WiDrive was the lack of a way to view files over a standard web browser (which would extend the usage). Kingston has you covered there as well. They are adding in the ability to view files through a web browser (with proper credentials of course). Other improvements include improving the routing functions of the WiDrive by adding in support for mixed mode operation.

Kingston has also decided to increase the max amount of storage available to 64GB. We will be testing one of these out very soon and will let you know how the larger capacity drive works with all of the new features.

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