Larry Ellison Says NSA Surveillance is "Great"


Larry Ellison could be very out of touch with reality if some of his recent comments on TV. Since losing a long court battle where he tried to grab millions (well really hundreds of Millions) from Google over approximately 7 lines of very simple and basic code he is back complaining about Google again. This time he spoke out on CBS this Morning with a few comments about how bad Google is for using Java as a development platform. This is despite the fact that the judge presiding over the case stated that the code in question could have been recreated with little effort. Ellison just cannot get over the fact that this lawsuit did not go in his favor and he could not honor his friend Steve Jobs by ruining Android and Google in the process.


In fact his grip on reality is so far off base that he is still focused on the Google lawsuit. His perception that Google stole from Oracle is so deep and consuming that he is actually putting that over what the NSA is doing. He actually made the statement that the NSA’s whole sale surveillance on US citizens through PRISM and other programs is “Great”, the praise he heaped on the NSA was a little bit disconcerting to be honest:

“It's great, it's essential. President Obama thinks it's essential. It's essential if we want to minimize the kind of strikes that we just had in Boston. It's absolutely essential”

The fact that even with the PRISM program in place the Boston attack happened is beyond the reality that Mr. Ellison lives in. He followed his statement on how great the NSA spying is with “Who's ever heard of this information being misused by the government? In what way?” His justification is that since other companies collect user data why shouldn’t the US government.  Of course Ellison would not want to say too much that was bad about the US Government or the NSA; both are major customers for Oracle and that would be bad business. However, his support for this type of program does put his views and thinking in doubt… We guess that when you have that much money you do not have to live in the real world anymore.

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