Lazaridis leaves BlackBerry


Mike Lazaridis, one of RIM's founders, is leaving the company. He stepped down from CEO duty 15 months ago, and was succeeded by Thorstein Heins. Lazaridis founded the company Research In Motion back in 1984 and was CEO until last year. On the occasion of announcement that he will leave the company on May 1st, he said that he believes he left the company good hands. On the other hand, Heins says he admires Mike on all the achievements and vision that helped in achieving the company's goals.

The new CEO has taken the company at a difficult time, which is under attack by the iOS and Android and is losing more customers while the market share is in constant decline. All company’s hopes now lie in BlackBerry OS 10, and consequently the name of the company was changed from RIM to BlackBerry.

Also, the BlackBerry has announced that in the fourth quarter they made $94 million profit on $2.7 billion revenue. In the same period, the company lost three million users, and now there are 76 million. Of six million BlackBerry shipments, a million copies were running the new BlackBerry 10 OS, but new devices were not available for purchase during the whole quarter.

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