League of Legends accounts in danger


On the pages of the popular MOBA title League of Legends warning appeared which states that the date of the players from the  North American servers are in danger. According to the statement, unknown perpetrators have come up with user names, e-mail address, masked passwords and some full names.

Although the password which the hackers stole are encrypted, developers League of Legends note that players who use obvious passwords are susceptible to account theft. "What we know: user names, email addresses, salted password hashes, and some first and last names were accessed. This means that the password files are unreadable, but players with easily guessable passwords are vulnerable to account theft." the officiall e-mail stated.

As if all that was not enough, it seems that the burglars came up with some credit card numbers since the company is investigating about 120,000 transactions from two years ago, and the authors say that all "vulnerable" players were contacted via the registered e-mail address, so be sure to check your email in case you play this game to avoid the possible account loss.

[Ed - This is not the first time this has happend and it will certainly not be the last. As gaming communities become bigger they will be targeted more by malicious individuals looking to get something from them....]


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