LEDs for Li-Fi communication


Scottish scientists continue research on an earlier German study from 2011 that is using green, red, blue and white LED lighting and provides wireless communication at a bandwidth of 800 Mb/s. The Scottish variation on this theme is the use of LEDs in micron dimensions arranged in a matrix, which are capable of flashing up to 1,000 times faster than the large LED bulbs which means higher throughput and less space. Additionally, each of them can be used as a pixel unit that illuminates work space or for data display together with other LEDs, all at the same time for the duration of communication.

The Scots think that the application of such devices would be great, and that they could set LED transmitter along roads and paths where they would communicate about road conditions, speed limits and other information with vehicles and laptops, cell phones and other electronic devices with passengers in them.

The disadvantages of the technology are, of course, the need for direct-sight between LEDs that broadcast data and sensors that receive them, which means that bad weather (fog, rain, snow, etc.), you can expect frequent interference due to these conditions. Systems setup in doors you can avoid many of these.

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