Lenovo marks an increase in both sales and revenues

Lenovo has released a report for the third quarter of 2013 which states that the company has profited thanks to the increasing demand for smart phones and tablets. Their sales in this segment have almost doubled.

Revenue in the three months (which ended on September 30) amounted to $9.8 billion, which is 13% more than in the same period of 2012. In addition, earnings were up 36% compared to last year and now stand at $220 million. The biggest driver of growth in this company are tablets and smartphones, which participate in the entire range with around 15%. However, their growth was 105% compared to last year, and only in the previous quarter, in Lenovo's share of the revenue they took 9%.

The company is optimistic about the future, and expect to take advantage of market trends such as growth in sales of tablets and the increasing popularity of low-price models, particularly in developing countries.

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