LG TVs ignore privacy settings

After one user of LG's Smart TV noticed that the device collects data about his habits, regardless of the adjusted settings, LG decided to make a statement about the situation. They acknowledged the error and promised compensation

Specifically, LG's televisions have the function of collecting data about TV programs user most often watches, which can be used for making recommendations to other users on TV. In addition, TV also collects names of files that are played via connected USB memory for (not yet implemented) functionality which will provide additional information about the content. For the implementation of additional functionality collected data is sent to the LG's servers. However, although users have the option to turn off this TV functionality,  it turns out that setting it off or on has no effect.

From LG said that it does not collect any personal information about users, and that they sincerely regret the consequences that this problem caused. The correction will be offered in the form of upgrades for their TVs.

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