Max Payne Official Launch Trailer Goes Live, May 18th Rlease Date Listed

maxpyane3For those that have been waiting for Max Payne 3 to hit the stores we have some good news for you. Rockstar has released a trailer for the new game and put it up on YouTube for the world to see. For those of you that are not familiar with the series Max is a Mickey Spillane style detective that has a dark side. Now you (as Max) have returned, burned out and quite the mess.

According to the text under the trailer:

For Max Payne, the tragedies that took his loved ones years ago are wounds that refuse to heal. No longer a cop, close to washed up and addicted to pain killers, Max takes a job in São Paulo, Brazil, protecting the family of wealthy real estate mogul Rodrigo Branco, in an effort to finally escape his troubled past. But as events spiral out of his control, Max Payne finds himself alone on the streets of an unfamiliar city, desperately searching for the truth and fighting for a way out.

Check out the video here and look for the game to hit the store on May 18th.

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