Megaupload to be reborn as Mega with service in the clouds… encrypted clouds


The new site from Kim Dotcom made for file sharing will be called Mega and I will be located at the web address The service should start around January 19th of the following year and Dotcom has tried to completely separate it from anything that has to do with the U.S. This means that the hosting company, domain, and partners will not be from the U.S. making it impossible, or at least the extremely hard, to shut down the service if someone tried...

The uniqueness of the new site is in the fact that it will be in the cloud and that content can be decrypted only by the user who has an access key (the user who uploaded the content or a person who has been given access by that user). This is a wise decision from a legal perspective, because if you come back to the legal problems, service owners will be able to defend that have nothing to do with the content and the responsibility for sharing copyright protected content will fall exclusively on the user.
Dotcom said that copyright holders will still be able to request the removal of copyrighted material and will actually even get the direct ability to delete it if they agree that Mega service will not be held accountable for what their users are doing. Just a few weeks ago a U.S. federal judge ruled that Washington's criminal case against Megaupload will go on, but that certainly won’t stop dotcom in his cause. This announcement was delayed for about an hour and according to Kim it was flooded by the feds as he stated on his twitter “FBI agents pressing reload...We see their IP addresses,”

[Ed – We have been covering the Dotcom/Megaupload case since it started and like many others we can clearly see the holes in the US Government’s case. The fact that they are pushing forward is more about their belief that they are untouchable (and that they want to make this case hurt) in terms of a counter suit. Even if (when) they lose they want to try and send a message financially. Eventually the US will have to bow and admit that they never had a case, but they plan on making this as painful for everyone involved for as long as they can.

It is for this reason that they are continuing and also why Dotcom has made Mega as bulletproof as possible. They are also under pressure from the MPAA and RIAA to keep going and considering that this is an election year you can bet they will. We have a feeling that Dotcom is aware that they are not going to give up now and this has pushed him to move forward with his plans without being able to get back the original user content. There is still a chance that user accounts can be recovered and we expect that they will.]

what do you think about the case against Mega Upload and their Rebirth as Mega? Tell us in our Forum

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