Microsoft Blog Post Accidentally Puts Up Links to Next Windows 8 Preview Update - The Links are Live!

win8logoredesignedSomeone accidentally let information slip about the next release of Microsoft’s cloud pushing operating system, Windows 8. According to many sources popping up today we should have already seen the links go live to the new preview. The problem is that none of this has happened. Originally when we heard the timing for the next consumer preview release it was around 4th-6th of June. This would put it in the first full week of June.

UPDATE 05/31/2012 16:39 EST
The links are live now

Unfortunately Chuck Chan, Corporate VP of the Windows Development team put a post on his blog naming the date as March 30th. In the post (which went up on the 30th) Chan had the entry dated March 31st but used the working “today” which many have interpreted to mean that the links will be live sometime today.

At this time of this writing Microsoft has pulled down the posting and none of the links are working. We do expect to see the next preview of Windows 8 hit very soon as Microsoft has just announced updates to SkyDrive that allow you to integrate seamlessly with the Windows 8 Photo Application. We do not think that they would launch it just yet though.

Still we do wonder why Chan’s post made it to the Internet in the way that it did and why now. Well one thing that we have done in the past is to pre-write an article before a deadline and then put in queue to be published. If Chan did this and put in the wrong dates and times as soon as he published the post it would make it visible on the blog (this is of course assuming that Microsoft uses a system like this).

While working at another site there was an error in the code that handled the queue and a review that was under NDA was still visible to many while it was not showing as published. (the emails and phone calls were not fun I can tell you) so there are many reasons why the post slipped out yesterday and why it might not reflect the actual launch date and time. We expect that Microsoft may go ahead and launch the next preview download, but that it will not be today. They have always maintained early June as the time frame. This makes us suspect that it will go live some time tomorrow. We are sure that everything is in place. But that it seems more along the lines of working to plan if they launch on the 1st of June.
We are very eager to see what changes Microsoft has made and will, of course, post new videos and articles about what we find with the new version of Windows 8. Especially since this version could possibly be the last one we see until the actual launch which is set for October-November right alongside a slew of tablets, notebooks, ultrabooks and slimbooks.

Image Credit The Next Web

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