Microsoft gets new logo


After 25 years Microsoft has finally decided to change company's logo. This time it looks more appropriate for new the new Metro [Ed – or whatever it is called] philosophy of simple Swiss-like design. Microsoft stated that “This wave of new releases is not only a reimagining of our most popular products, but also represents a new era for Microsoft, so our logo should evolve to visually accentuate this new beginning.“. They will release new versions of almost all of theirs products this year, from new Windows OS, both for PC and mobile, to Xbox services.

The new logo is made out of two components, symbol and a logotype. New symbol is based on the well-known four-color square, and a logotype for which they use the Segoe font like in all of their new products and marketing communications. Microsoft said “The symbol is important in a world of digital motion (as demonstrated in the video above.) The symbol’s squares of color are intended to express the company’s diverse portfolio of products.“

Starting today, new symbol will being replacing the old one in all Microsoft stores, in Boston, Seattle's University Village and Bellevue it already has. They will need time to implement the new logo on every product so we may bump into the old one from time to time.  Even though they are hyped about the new, shiny logo “We’re excited about the new logo, but more importantly about this new era in which we’re reimagining how our products can help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential.“ we can't shake the fact that it's literally the same as the one used in Windows 95 commercials. Only difference is some color enrichment, guess the designers really put effort in this one.

[Ed- Microsoft is working on becoming something they never truly were, a company that provides software as a service. The opening moves in their new bid for the consumer’s dollars have already been completed with the new additions to Microsoft’s cloud services and the re-purposing of some of the extra power in their Azure systems. While Windows 8 is not a make or break OS for them, it will have a massive impact on the Windows eco system that Microsoft is building if it is not a hit with consumers. Unfortunately we just do not feel that it will be and the more Microsoft tries to lock systems into Windows 8 the more they will hurt their partners and in turn themselves.]

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