Microsoft has officially taken over Nokia

As it was announced a few months ago, Nokia's takeover deal of Devices and Services department by Microsoft has officially ended. According to the original agreement all the paperwork was to be completed during the first quarter, but regulators in individual countries with their subsequent decisions pushed the completion of this work to April.

After all the countries and their regulatory agencies approved this merger, acquisition worth 7.2 billion U.S. dollars has finally become official today. Pretty much all details about the future of Nokia name and the entire Finnish company within Microsoft is known, and how the market will accept this change remains to be seen.

On the occasion of the conclusion of the contract the statements were iven by Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and the former head of Nokia Stephen Elop, now director of the hardware department at Microsoft. Nadella said that the two companies will continue to bring innovation to their customers and that they will be more focused on the mobile market and cloud services. Carefully chosen words about the future of the business were said byElop, whose open letter can be found here.

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