Microsoft's Q3 above all expectations

Microsoft has released surprisingly good operating results for the third quarter in which both sales and earnings significantly exceeded expectations. The company posted a profit of 5.24 billion dollars, which is much higher than analyst expectations, which on average was about $4.56 billion . The total turnover of the company was $18.5 billion , which is again much higher than the 17.8 billion dollars that analysts had expected.

Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer, said they will continue the business transformation to a company which is involved in both equipment and services, as well as the visible large customer interest for their new devices, like the Xbox One, Surface 2 and Surface 2 Pro, and a multitude of devices based on Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone.

The operating results pointed out that the revenues from the devices intended for end users increased by 4 %, to $7.46 billion, revenue of search services increased by 47%, while revenues from Surface  tablet grown to $400 million. Following the publication of these results, the company's shares have risen more than 6%.

Do you think this is a trend or just due to Ballmer leaving? Tell us in our Forum

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