Microsoft to offer Xbox One without Kinect and drop price to $399

Ed Fries, the father of the first Xbox said a few days ago that he likes the idea that every Xbox One is the same, because it is important for developers . According to him, problem with the previous version of the console (Xbox 360) was that some consoles were sold without hard drives. But now it looks like Fries did not know that his former colleagues at Microsoft are preparing a new, cheaper package of the Xbox One. From June 9, Kinectless Xbox One will go on sale.

Although Microsoft has long insisted that exactly Kinect makes the difference and refused to sell the console without a camera, it seems they have reconsidered so now every Xbox One will no longer be the same. The good news is the lower price of the console itself which will now be $399, same as the PlayStation 4.

These news come before the upcoming E3 along with several updates on Games with Gold program (the equivalent of PlayStation Plus ), so it seems that Microsoft is trying to catch up with competitors who are achievingselling better sales everywhere in the world, especially in U.S..

[Ed – this was a move that Microsoft had to make. Once they admitted that the Kinect was not required for operation they were going to get push back from the gaming community. Microsoft was showing very bad judgment in trying to push this in the first place, but this was all part of the Ballmer ideology and his efforts to turn Microsoft into another Apple. Micorosft got big through flexibility, not through shoving things down the consumer's throat. Now that this is out there we wonder what other items will slowly change...]

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