Minecraft developer disses Windows 8

minecraft wins

I was never sure why people play Minecraft and even after I watched people play it I couldn’t find anything interesting in it. Now I have started to like them, as game maker Markus “Notch“ Persson has expressed his disappointment over Windows 8. If you are a fan of this game, and play it regularly don’t rush with upgrading to Windows 8, because you won’t be able to play the game if you do that. That's right, Persson stated on his twitter “Got an email from Microsoft, wanting to help “certify“ minecraft for win8. I told them to stop trying to ruin the pc as an open platform.”

This is a nice example that companies don’t have to kneel before big technological giants like Microsoft, but they can go on protest to show their disagreement. After Valve's CEO Gave Newell stated that Windows 8 will be catastrophe for gaming, this is another huge blow, and it could trigger a chain reaction with other companies. Whether you are a serious gamer or you just play casually, I'm pretty sure you don’t want your PC to turn into an Xbox, and that's what could happen if Microsoft does not make some changes.

Persson already stated last month on Reddit that he dislikes where Microsoft is going “I hope we can keep a lot of open and free platforms around. If Microsoft decides to lock down Windows 8, it would be very very bad for Indie games and competition in general…there’s going to be a lot of very interesting games in ten years, mixed in with the huge AAA games that we all love.” And now he is ready to completely ignore the new Windows, even if it means his very popular game won’t be part of it. Hopefully he will convince few more companies to go his way, and force Microsoft to stop the changes they are bringing.

[Ed – Not too long after the first public release of Windows 8 we were told that Microsoft was going to make some serious changes to Windows that would lock it down quite a bit. At first we felt this would be a good thing in terms of security. However, after digging through every release since then and the RTM we have found that the lock down only seems to be consumer choice. Windows 8 does not have much better security than Windows 7 and in some ways it is more vulnerable to attack considering the fact that many third party anti-malware programs will not works in the same low-level manner they did under Windows 7. We ran this question by a few people that are in the security industry (so to speak) and they claim that Windows 8 will be a security nightmare. Microsoft needs to look at how they got where they are and return to that or they could be in big trouble with Windows 8…]

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