More than 1 billion smartphones delivered in 2013

According to new research by a firm IDC in 2013 there was a total of 1 billion delivered smart phones, which represents a new smart phone for every seventh inhabitant of the planet. This is an increase of 275 million smartphones (or 39%) compared to the 2012. when it 725 million devices was shipped.

The IDC believes that 79% of shipped smartphones are using Android as their operating system. Apple's iOS devices took 15% of the supplied devices (about 153 million), an increase of 13% to recorded sales in the 2012.

Deliveries of Windows Phone devices almost doubled and they shipped 33 million units. However deliveries of Blackberry devices has decreased by 40%, and they delivered about 19 million units. IDC predicts that the market growth of smartphones will continue for the next several years.

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