New DotA from Blizzard

Recently quite a lot of hype is going around Blizzard and their games. Beside Hearthstone, recently we had a lot of rumors about Blizzard copyrighting the Heroes of the Storm, which is a mysterious MOBA game on which they work under the name Blizzard All-Stars.

These rumors were obviously correct given that yesterday they released a websites for Heroes of the Storm, which do not reveal the details in writing, but once you see them it is pretty much clear what is going on around there.

Specifically, a promotional video which you can watch on the site provides insight into the evolution of the game that was initially known as Blizzard DOTA, and now that the mist around the game has started to unveil, there no doubt that it will soon be released, and that we will have additional details about everything in near future.

Anyone interested?

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