Decryptedtech Gets a New Forum

forum-01When we first thought about launching Decrypted Tech, we wanted to offer our readers a different experience. Unfortunately we were also a little limited on funds. As such we moved forward with what we had and what we could build ourselves. For this I found the best site layout that I could that fit in with our vision of a very visual site.  However, we lost on the feel of a user oriented experience.

We tried to put in a comment system, but to be perfectly honest it is a little clunky and not many people use it.  You can only comment on that particular article and there is no sense of community. However, we also did not want to end up putting up too much at one time. So we went with just the site and the comment system.

Now that the site is stable and we have sorted out some hosting issues (and are on faster servers) we have decided to open up a member forum.  So you can now discuss, comment and hang out if you want to on our new member forum.

Head over to the new forums and introduce yourself. We will be having a few giveaways in the next few weeks just for members only  plus ongoing benefits to keep things interesting.


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