New Group SpexSec Dumps 600MB of Passport and Visa Information Pokes Fun At the FBI...

News_manstealingdataThere has been another hack of government systems from the sound of things on Your Anon News one of the Anonymous Twitter feeds. According to the post and the pastebin link the dump is a listing of “Passports, Visa’s, etc.” and is the second from the new group SpexSec. The first attack was in retaliation for ignoring security warnings and targeted a single FBI agent, Scott Augenbaum who is the Head of the FBI’s Cybercrime task force according to some information that is available at the time of this writing.

As we told you earlier today we expected to see more of these in the coming months. There have been warnings and more threats than we can count about security. These have ranged from simply telling people to use more complex passwords to outright reminders of the importance of keeping your software and hardware up-to-date.

Apparently Augenbaum lives in Tennessee so the SpexSec group decided to target the entire state. Accordingly they have been able to penetrate the Clarksville-Montgomery School System and grab teacher and student information. SpexSec claims to have been able to grab 110,000 identities and have released 14,500 so far.

The group, which has just shown up on the scene in the last 24-48 hours officially say that they executed the breach on the CMSS about a week ago, but took the time to mull over the potential damage to individuals releasing all of the information would have. They decided to release 14,500 identities as a “favor” to Clarksville-Montgomery. We imagine the limited release was to prove the data is real.

As we mentioned before many of the targets were called and notified about lax security, but no action was taken. They claim that the attack was intended to show that you cannot be lax with security at any time. While we might disagree with their methods we completely agree with the message and would expect to see more attacks of this nature in the coming months. SpexSec also might be members of the original TeaMp0isoN as both of the pastebin dumps were signed with Recks0r and Makaveli. The group says they are making sure they cover their tracks and interestingly enough do not claim affiliation with Anonymous (although they do say they support them and their goals).

According to SpexSec they still have access to a dispatcher’s database, surveillance cameras and a bus company.

Now SpexSec has gone after “Terrorists, Cons, Criminals, Civilians :)” and released almost 600MB of information. Today’s dump pokes fun at Augenbaum again with a little jab saying “We hope this helps you close down on some investigations.” There is no additional confirmation of the data’s validity at the time of this writing but we have no reason to think it is not genuine.

2012 is looking to be the year that online services either wake up and make changes now, or end up the subject of a pastebin file and numerous articles showing exactly how dangerous the internet can be…


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