New Hearthfire DLC for Skyrim Lets You Build a House...


DLC (Downloadable Content) is a big thing with gaming especially console gaming. It offers the possibility for expansion, new adventures and more features to make the cost of the game and console (both of which are usually locked into their original format) seem more appropriate. Some of the DLC offered is pretty impressive and gives console players features that you just do not get in the PC world. Other times things are not so impressive; this is the case with the new Hearthfire DLC for Skyrim.

First I should be honest here; I have never been a far of the Elder Scrolls series. For almost all of them the game seems far too slow and cumbersome to get much out of it. The graphics have always been good and the story line seems solid in all of the ones we have tested; it is just that the games get very boring very quickly and that is with combat thrown in. With Hearthfire it looks like they are trying to extend the boredom even further. According to trailers and other information available about the new module all Hearthfire allows you to do is buy land for the purpose of building a house…

We poked around to see if there was a point to this and even with the potential that you might need to defend your home from outside attack there is not much more to it. Perhaps it is an effort to make Skyrim more like WoW or Diablo III where players will continue to play in the world if they have options to build their own realms. We do not know if this will be a successful move or not, but we can at least see where the concept of building a home inside of a fantasy combat game came from…

For now this new DLC will be available only for the Xbox 360 with no information on if it will come to the PC or PS3. You can check out the trailer below:

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