New Raspberry Pi arrives even smaller than his predecessor

The team behind the popular miniature platform Raspberry Pi boasted on its Website with a new product. It is a new version of the Raspberry Pi , which aims to make the whole system more transparent and easier, it is called the Raspberry Pi Compute Module. It is essentially a motherboard with a dimensions 67,6x30 millimeters at which they managed to compress the basic hardware to which users are accustomed with the old Raspberry, but without ports for peripherals.

 On this board you can find a standard DDR2 SODIMM connector, with which the Compute modules can be connected to another board. The device is designed primarily for enthusiasts who are planning to create their own printed circuit boards with external connectors adapted to their own needs. However, with Compute modules in the market will occur and Compute Module IO Board which is a printed circuit board provided with a place to connect the "heart" of the new Raspberry, bearing the standard ports like USB or HDMI.

Compute Module - First Look from Raspberry Pi Foundation on Vimeo.

IO Board and Compute modules will be available for purchase separately, but also in the kit called Raspberry Pi Compute Module Development Kit. The announced price for Compute module is $30 if you buy a minimum of 100 pieces, and for individual purchase will be slightly higher.

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