Everyone is a hacker it seems

90While the corporate world and our governments talk about the dangers of hacker and the evil they represent we find that it is also a favored tool of companies and even new agencies! It was not all that long ago that the US’ anti-consumer RIAA and MPAA were found to have used an investigative firm that employed… let’s say less than legal methods to find file sharers and the files they were offering. They were also found to have improperly accessed these same computer systems and browsed around. Again this is something that was not exactly legal. Now we find that most (if not all) governments employ these same tactics against enemies, allies and even their own citizens.

One of the funnier news items about corporate hacking comes on the tail of the “New of the World” scandal. It seems that not only did some of their reporters tap phone lines, hound targets of investigation but they also seem to have hired people to hack into some of these target’s computers; one of them an Intelligence Operative in Northern Ireland. It seems that some news agencies, like many corporate entities bent on profit, do not feel the restrictions of ethics.

Source Fudzilla

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