Nexus 5 to be LG


LG will be the producer of the next smartphone from the Nexus line, according to The Korea Times sources. However, the launch is not expected soon, at least not at the Google I/O conference, which is being held this month.

Specifically, the Nexus 4 was introduced in November, so it's unlikely that Google will introduce the successor so quickly. The device has received positive reviews on account of affordability (at least in the U.S.), but also has some downsides like the lack of connectivity to LTE networks and Google's and LG's problems to manage enough supplies for the market. About the characteristics of the new Nexus there are still no news, but it is expected that the device will be based on one of LG's most advanced copies that will be available at that moment on the market.

If the rumors prove true, it would mean that LG and Google have found a common language with cooperation. The first Nexus (One)  was manufactured by HTC, the following two by Samsung (Nexus S and Galaxy Nexus), and the last model, Nexus 4, was produced by LG.

[Ed - Google has done a very good job of spreading the love around for the Nexus line. This is a smart move as it helps to promote companies that make Android phones. We expect to see them push more into this direction with both the phones and tablets. This is something that Apple cannot do so they only have their own products to hawk and no one else but themselves to push features. It makes for an interesting market...]

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