Nintendo doing good despite Wii U


Nintendo has released their quarterly business results which show that in the three months that ended in late June they only sold 160,000 pieces of their game console Wii U.

Overall, the company generated revenues of 81.5 billion yen (about 825 million U.S. dollars), which is slightly less than last year's 84.8 billion yen ($859 million). But unlike last year's loss of 17.2 billion yen ($174 million), this years operating profit was 8.6 billion yen (87 million dollars).

For positive results the most meritorious were good sales of gaming console 3DS and accompanying software, which had and 12% increase in sales from the previous year, accumulating to about 1.4 million pieces. It is interesting the original Wii also marked increase of sales and sold 210,000 pieces of consoles and 3.7 million pieces of supporting software titles.

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